Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Critters in our Neighborhood

I thought I would give you all a glimpse of the wild life in our neck of the woods. I know there are quite a few people who do not like bugs, an I am one of them; however, there are a lot of bugs around here. We have a gap all the way around our door and there are nights that a flock of flying ant looking things swarm under it. I think they may be termites, but am not sure... They pour in under our door when it rains so I think they are looking for shelter. I only give them the can of Raid. In the morning, it looks like an insect massacre happened at our front door. Wes has discovered that we have a cockroach problem as well. They come through the big holes in our ceiling. They are really nasty and enormous. (I put the sunglasses there for scale.) I am always feeling like things are crawling on me in the middle of the night. Eewwhh!

We have an iguana who lives in the tree out in front of our house. He is really large. We have lots of smaller ones running around as well, but we like having them since they eat the bugs! Every once in a while we find one in our house. Jillian thinks we have a pet lizard that she has named Rainbow.

On our way to school we look for the iguanas on campus. Some of them have numbers painted on their sides. I'm not sure if this is some sort of research project or if some students thought it would be funny to paint them. There are even a couple that I have seen that have small beads in their head spikes. They remind me of the Friendship beads we had in school so long ago. Maybe the iguanas gave them to each other...

We also have a herd of cows that roam the island, or at least around our part of town. I don't know who they belong to, but evidently this is a free range community. There are days when the cows are in our yard and other days when they are frolicking on campus. (Now there is something you don't see everyday in the states!) It kind of makes me nervous walking right beside a big bull, but I haven't heard of anyone being gored or trampled as of yet.

(This is actually on campus. The school is just on the right side of the picture.)

Ok, aside from all the critters we have around, I have a couple extra pictures I just have to share. The kids have started the "Summer Program" at school which includes lots of arts and crafts and field trips. They swim every day after lunch, so they are pretty wiped out. After the first day, we picked up the kids and had extra cargo to pack home (care package from Grandma Dolly! ~ thanks again) and Jillian was whining that she was tired before we left the school, so we decided to get a cab home. We had to make it to the street to hail the cab and while we waited, our poor baby couldn't hang on any longer. She fell asleep on the sidewalk. Good thing we were getting a cab anyway, we couldn't have carried her up the hill!

Wes has finally had enough of the heat and decided to shave his head. We all knew it was coming sooner or later, since he is follicley challenged on his head. So, we shaved his head last night. Karissa and Jillian thinks he looks funny...they say he looks like the daddy of their friends at school who is bald. Anyway, I just had to share since most of us have not seen him like this least not since the Navy!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Guys. Greetings from Boise. Just thinking of you all and wishing you all the best. I cracked up reading the post about Wes tagging the Iguana with a coconut. That is so not like either one of us..... Go figure. Wes, I'm heading out week after next for archery antelope hunting and coyotes as well. I like your new style of hunting. Very cool indeed. Got to do a little bit of it myself in Lapaz a few years back. Very addicting.
    Take Care,
