Tuesday, May 19, 2009

School - Isn't this the reason we are here?

I know that I haven't waited an entire week to post another blog, but thought I may need to just in case I am no longer able to get to it. My first week of school was rather relaxing. I was really surprised at my stress level and the material we were covering in class. I told Wes that I was waiting for the other shoe to fall because this all seemed like review... It amazes me that we could cover an entire semester of undergraduate work in just one week of medical school! Now I am starting to feel like someone is force feeding me from a 5 gallon drum and all I can do is try not to spit it out! I was told that the success rate here is not really what the school says it is. The school takes its data from those people who made it to 5th semester...looks like around 10 -20% of those actually getting into school make it to 5th semester. Ask me how my stress level is now and it's only week 2.

I had my first "patient" today. She is my cadaver that I will have for this semester. That was a little weird at first, but once you start looking at the pieces, you kind of get over the fact that she is a real person who donated her body for the future of science (I am grateful). She was a 69 year old who died of metastatic breast cancer. Kind of made me sad since mom went through breast cancer about 5 years ago. Made me miss my mom...love you mom!

The kids are loving their school and have made lots of friends, even Jillian befriended a little girl who is more shy than she is. They really like it when Wes takes them to the beach or the swimming pool after school.

Well, I will sign off for now...Wes may have to do all the updates after this since I foresee myself stuck in a book somewhere.


  1. Kudos to you! I couldn't do it. Miss you!

  2. We are so proud of you. But we do miss you more than words can say. It is great to get to see you on Skype.
    Love you.
