This tree looks like it has been tattooed with "tribal art" but the ferns just grow around the trees like that. Really cool place to walk through.
Today, Sunday, was another relaxing drive to the north most part of the island. We went through the "drive through volcano", which you really wouldn't know was the crater until you look down from the top. We also stopped and hiked into a spot that has the water bubbling up from the ground, kind of like Yellowstone, only this water was cold. We continued our drive through some of the most beautiful beaches I have ever seen. So far, the best village on this entire island is is stunning! Of course, Wes ran into a local in the village that he knows! Seriously, you can't take him anywhere without him knowing someone. Anyway, for any of you who are wondering where to stay when you come to is not with us, but in Thibaud. I would move there in a heartbeat.